LED Projector Box Kit

- Great DIY for beginners with LEDs!
- Project your designs across the wall!
- Step by step instructions below
Product Details
Our LED Projector Box Kit can be designed to project any design or image onto a flat surface. The choice of LED color is the customers as well as the choice to build the kit yourself or have us build it for you. Provided are step-by-step instructions and a video showing the process from start to finish. The kit uses a single high-power LED run from two AA batteries and a MicroPuck LED driver. Everything but the spray paint and materials for making your design are provided with the kit. If you have any questions please contact us.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1
First determine the design you'd like to project. Larger solid shapes work well, such as block letters. We suggest using stickers, but you could also apply masking tape and then cut out a custom design with an exacto knife.
Step 2
The design will need to be applied to the inside of the clear box top so the image is projected in the right direction. It also helps to protect your image by having it inside of the box. We chose to use foam stickers, and also cut a few simple stars out of some scrap pieces of sticker materials. Apply these to the inside of the cover.
Step 3
Now spray over your design with black spray paint. Cover the entire inside of the box top and your design.
Step 4
Allow the paint to set up a little so it does not run, then carefully remove your stickers or design. You can wait until the paint is completely dry, but it make make it more difficult to remove your stickers or design. When everything is removed, you should be left with your design being the only clear parts of the cover.
Step 5
Install your switch into the clear box. Solder the battery pack positive wire to one side of the switch. Solder the positive input of the micro puck to the other side of the switch.
Step 6
Solder the battery pack negative wire to the micropuck input
Step 7
Solder the output from the micropuck to the LED star appropriate pads.
Step 8
Place the LED star in the center of the box, using double sided tape to hold it in place.